Friday, March 16, 2007


Yesterday was one of our two days for what's called ADR (additional dialogue recording). This is where we have the cast come in and dub over lines that weren't usable due to background noise, etc... While I've stayed in touch with most everyone, it was nice to see the others and the day went smooth.

While I was there I heard the producer telling the cast that we would have a cast and crew screening come May. Which means it will be done by May.

We're still tweaking score. We're still looking for songs we can afford. We still have to correct the color. It still seems like an awful lot to do including the trip to Canada I'm dreading -- but the end is near.

P.S. The above posted photo has no relevance to this post. I posted it because I can.


Blogger Gina said...

You've got to finish a movie by May.

I've got to finish a monster of a graduate thesis and an Italian class taught by the reincarnation of Mussolini by May.

I say we stick together and support each other and we can do this!! :-) (God helping us . . . )

2:57 PM  

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