Picture is officially locked. And nothing can change that because the dailies have been blown out of the Final Cut system, so there's no going back.
This last week we've been making minor adjustments but we also put together a number of deleted and extended scenes for any DVD release we might get. Personally, I've yet to see a deleted scene on a DVD that shouldn't have been -- and these are no exception -- but extras are nice to have and the work by the actors deserves to be out there even if my script was a tad windy. We also cut a blooper reel that won't be on the DVD but everyone who worked on the picture will hopefully find fun if there's a cast and crew screening.
Our composer informs me he is working on themes this week and our webmaster has a prototype up and running.
I've gotten a lot of emails and inquiries about a trailer. And I want you to know I'm still very much enjoying the one we made for ourselves. It's great. Very evocative and bittersweet. But I have no updates on a trailer for you to watch. But I'll keep you up-to-date on how much I'm enjoying mine.